The kamasutra is a collection of sexual postions widespread among all followers of sex. It is a benchmark work to send your partner to seventh heaven. Knowing the zones of stimulation to give intense pleasure and to raise the desire in it, are the main …

What are the tips for good sex ?
Having sex with your partner is not something to be trivialised or taken lightly. It is important to take certain precautions to fully and deeply enjoy this moment of intense pleasure. We will give you the essential tips to make love with your partner. Creating …

What are the advantages of using sex toys during sex ?
Sex toys are sexual objects that are commonly used nowadays. In fact, they are increasingly in demand because they arouse the excitement that leads to sexual pleasure. In this article, you will find some of the advantages of using sex toys during sex. Saving a …

What are the three most recommended positions for sexual intercourse ?
Sexual intercourse is above all a moment of sharing between two partners. It is a moment of pleasure between two people. It is a relationship that aims to develop certain sensations of pleasure between two partners by consent. To do it well, there are certain …

What are the tips for a good sex life ?
The success of a couple depends mainly on a fulfilling sex life. So, in order to be not only sexually satisfied, but also happy as a couple, here is an article that provides you with some tips to focus on. Focus on these tips to …
Discover three benefits of pornography
Today, every second of every day, thousands of people around the world watch pornography. The reason many people do this is because of the benefits it provides. Read on to find out more about the benefits of pornography. Pornography gives ideas and changes sexual practices …